Care & Support


Tailored for You

School of Family Success

(Psalm 133, Proverb. 27:12, Jeremiah. 33:6)

Maintaining a peaceful, safe and secured personality, society and environment is of great concern to us, but safeguarding one destiny at a time is very paramount. We strive to ensure the individual, his environment and the society are given what we call “the Peacefully-Secured and Success Advantage”. God’s people are exposed to experience God’s love in a real Christian community free from the risk or fear of harm that may threaten purpose and prosperity in life.

Our Focus here is leadership that guarantees Peace, Security and Prosperity in every area of human endeavour

School of Ministry

(Matt. 22:16/2Tim. 2:15, Prov. 22:6)

Our training program/classes focus includes; Destiny Development; Discipleship Training; Christian Leadership; Christian Counseling and Kingdom Business Advancement.

The school of ministry prepares the saints for leadership, ministerial/kingdom assignment and missions. The aim is to turn the disciples into ministers who are empowered for the service God want them do in His Kingdom and in the society.

Believers are equipped to discover purpose, develop same, become disciples and grow in the kingdom of God and be a blessing to humanity. It is non-denominational and can be hosted at any location.

Jesus Family Fellowship Network

(Psalm 91, Isaiah 62 and 63)

Our Jesus family fellowship opportunity is open to everyone that shares in our vision. In case you are led to start a prayer fellowship centre in your area where Destiny Sanctuary is far from your reach, we shall come over to inaugurate such fellowship centre where two or three have agreed. (Psalm 133).

Our fellowship is formed with the vision to raise change agents who become world changers for Christ.

Our main prayer focus includes but not limited to Personal, Family, Business, National and Kingdom issues

Jesus Family Healing Crusade/Conference

The Jesus Family Healing Crusade/Conference is targeted at bringing healing to troubled individuals, relationships and families in our communities. Healing through forgiveness, proper communication and godly wisdom are emphasis to promote peace and prosperity in the family. Sickness, diseases and afflictions are terminated by the power in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Blood of the Lamb.

Good Neighbor’s Project

Destiny Sanctuary offers our host community and the larger society services ranging from prayers to social work of different kind including medical services from time to time.

Destiny Youth Mentoring Program

Destiny Sanctuary through our Presiding Ministers offers teenagers and youth the opportunity to be mentored in life and ministry. The program intends to equip them for maturity and Christian leadership. Teenagers and youth are welcome to apply now.

World Changers Couple’s Fellowship

(Psalm 133)

We are committed to promoting a balanced marriage relationship. We believe that a healthy home makes a healthy church and a healthy church makes a healthy society.

We recognize that the health of the home determined the wealth of the home, the church and the society.


You don’t need to wait until you meet him or her before you get prepared. Our class is recommended for at least one year before meeting Mister or Miss Right. The participants are taken through a one on one meeting of not less than eight hours a month with several follow-up options. We help you get prepared before for this lifelong venture. You don’t need to be involved in crime to get wedded. Together we can help make it big but at a very low cost. We help you in your plan to succeed in marriage not just wedding ceremony.

We believe that wedding is a day’s event but marriage is a life time. We help you consider all the needful before saying ‘I do’. We prepare you for this lifelong journey of blessing. Apply today.